Fernandina Beach Walking Trails
When you live in Florida being outside is just easy. When you live in Fernandina Beach being outside means hitting some of the 5 very best walking trails in Northeast Florida. With options that will take you beach side or into stately oaks there will be a walking trail that is perfect for you.
Beach Side Walking Trails
Walking on the beach is definitely on the top of the list, Fernandina Beach has some of the best beaches in Florida. The walking trails encompass miles of beach front but there are some walking trails you may not know about.
The Fernandina Beach walk takes in as much coastline as possible. This trail is going to take you from the northern most part of the island all the way to the south end finishing up at American Beach.
The Amelia Island Beach Loop will give you some of the most stunning areas to bird watch. The trail is 2.5 miles and will peak in and out of shaded areas. The trail is very popular but you may feel like you are the only one there and that adds to the appeal.
Eagans Creek Walking Trail

Egans Creek Greenway is one of the best walking trails on Amelia Island. This is a 2.2 mile loop that has everything you could want in a trail. Although the trail is not difficult it does offer some of the best nature viewing of any.
The 300 acers of protected state park offers unspoiled views of some of our natural habit. Bring your camera you will likely see alligators, local birds, turtles and a array of fish.
Ft. Clinch Walking Trail
Ft. Clinch offers both nature tails and history and is a favorite of locals and tourists. The park is 1,400 sf that showcases both large oak lined paths and marsh waterways. There are multiple paths you can take from easy to advanced.
The park is also one of the best spots on the island to hunt for sharks teeth. The Willow Pond Nature Trail is one of the best and isn’t used by many so you will likely have it to your self.
Magnolia Nature Walking Trail
The Magnolia trail is also located in Ft. Clinch but takes a more scenic route near the coast line. With it’s short distance of 0.6 miles it is a favorite for small children and dogs. You will experience some of our beautiful native wildflowers on this trail.
Kingsley Plantation
The Kingsley Plantation trail combines both walking and history. The former private home dates back to 1797. The site is a total of 1,000 acres but only 60 is available to walk. There are multiple buildings worth walking through on the trail and if you are there nearing sunset get ready for a show of red and orange.