Dundedin Florida

dundedin florida

Self Love in Dunedin Florida

I love taking quick trips to new places – this past weekend we took a trip out to Dunedin Florida which sits on the west coast of FL near Tampa. Towns with a quaint feel, lots of restaurants and live music are just my type of place. Dundedin was not a disappointment – the downtown area at the marina is beautiful. Main Street has tons of unique shops, restaurants and pubs, everything is walkable which makes it easy. The town is dog – friendly so the fur-babies are everywhere and I just love watching them with their parents walking around. It felt homey and comfortable and I will absolutely go back again.

This was a self-love trip, a renewal from a long 12 months, a lifting with the warmer weather and bonding time with my husband. Life moves so fast now, time flies and everyday just melts into another without stopping to just take it in. I have to remind myself often that time is a gift not a given, so to have several days that we could check out was amazing. Having real conversations, laughing, exploring – all of which are just good for the soul.

You don’t have to travel out of your town to slow down, enjoy the moment and reconnect with things you love. The saying “stop to smell the roses” is so relevant now – I tell my boys that it’s not about arriving it’s about the journey. It’s easy to say but hard to do, always in a rush to get here or there that you just don’t stop to take in where you are right that moment.

That is what self- love is to me, the journey.



Picture of Carrie Ann Kilpatrick

Carrie Ann Kilpatrick

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