Fernandina Beach Business of the Week: Network Of Women

Network of Women
Network of Women
Network of Women

The Network of Women, who they are and what they do.

Fernandina Beach is lucky to have an organization that promotes women and women owned local business and it is FABULOUS! The Network of Women was founded 5 years ago by Jamie Hendrix. A natural connector, she saw a need in Fernandina Beach to create an environment where women could empower other women.

Her energy is contagious and she puts her heart and soul into the Network Of Women. I have never met anyone quite like Jamie, she is able to bring out the very best in her members. Jamie is a fixture in Fernandina Beach and that is what makes this organization so powerful. She is the who, what, when and where of our community.

During the monthly meetings, luncheons, brunch’s, and one on one’s the members are constantly meeting new people, learning about new business all while having a great time. I will admit when she calls out for public introductions, I cringe.. really I want to army crawl right out of the meetings! What she does through this exercise is create a safe environment and the tools to learn how to promote yourself and your business in a “non-cheesy” way.

I am an introvert, period. In these small intimate lunches and brunch’s she takes out the element of being overwhelmed, timid and scared. This is where I have found the group to be the most powerful for myself. With the smaller groups it is easy to talk and be comfortable.

Some of the outreach programs this group of women participates with are Joy to the Children and Keep Nassau Beautiful. Another example of collaborating with each other and our community.

Network of Women is reaching a BIG milestone this month – a 5 year anniversary! What a accomplishment not only for Jamie, but all the members of this empowering group of women.

Picture of Carrie Ann Kilpatrick

Carrie Ann Kilpatrick

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